Improving the entrepreneurial capacity of citizens and organizations
A worldwide debate on the Futures of Education has now begun, to rethink education and shape the future. It focuses on how education, knowledge and learning must be reinvented in a world of consistent complexity, uncertainty and precariousness.
Within this general framework of awareness, DWAY works to establish a bridge between the worlds of education and work to build references to foster entrepreneurial learning.
It relies on a broad, open process of co-construction that involves youth, educators, civil society, business and other stakeholders.
<<It’s time to TAKE CARE OF IT>> is the project with which DWAY collects entrepreneurial ideas reported by its members and external visitors. The ideas that have become public, both those that have become an entrepreneurial project and those still in an embryonic stage, are reported in the Dway JOURNAL.
<<It’s time to TAKE CARE OF IT>> is the project with which DWAY collects entrepreneurial ideas reported by its members and external visitors. The ideas that have become public, both those that have become an entrepreneurial project and those still in an embryonic stage, are reported in the Dway JOURNAL.
Learning for entrepreneurship implies an integral involvement at least under the aspect of “euducation and orientation”, of the “creative approach”, the “reality experience” and the “vision of development”.

Creating positive impact through unexplored learning possibilities.
Immersed in the reality
There is a growing awareness that entrepreneurial competencies and attitudes can be learned and in turn lead to the widespread development of entrepreneurial mind-sets and culture, which benefit individuals and society as a whole. Teachers have a central role, as they have a strong impact on the attainment of learners. Reflective teachers keep their practice under constant review and adjust it in the light of desired learning outcomes and of the individual needs of students.

Inspired by the idea of creating with others and for others
Another way of thinking problems
Art and design provides an excellent model for entrepreneurial learning. The way an artist and designer approach a problem and move towards solutions, are essential aptitudes for all learners to gain. Art colleges embed critical thinking and engagement in everything they do, which are critical skills for entrepreneurial success. There are many ways in which entrepreneurship education and learning can be enhanced by collaboration with art and design.

Participate in an integral way for a generative experience with others
Experience the freedom of intuition
Entrepreneurial teachers have a passion for teaching. They are inspirational, open-minded and confident, flexible and responsible — but also, from time to time, rule-breakers. They listen well, can harness and sell ideas and can work student- and action-oriented. They are team players and have a good network. They seek to close the gap between education and economy and include external experts in their teaching; focusing on real-life experiences.

Thinking about the future for oneself, for others and for our world
Being mentors for the youngest
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship can be broadly defined as the capacity to turn ideas into action, ideas that generate value for someone other than oneself. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship is a transversal key competence, which every citizen needs for personal fulfilment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment in the knowledge society.
Knowledge and learning are humanity’s greatest renewable resources for responding to challenges and inventing alternatives. Yet, education does more than respond to a changing world. Education transforms the world. (UNESCO)
Where we are?
Germany: Grunaer Str 20,
10169 Dresden, DE
Italy: Via Vittorio Merighi 3,
37138 Verona, IT
phone +39 045 65 77 199
ENTREPRENEURSHIP, as a competence, APPLIES TO ALL SPHERES OF LIFE. It enables citizens to nurture their personal development, to actively contribute to social development, to enter the job market as employee or as self-employed, and to start-up or scale-up ventures which may have a cultural, social or commercial motive.
Whatever challenge, with a significant personal and social impact, can become a power entrepreneurial adventure to be faced together.
Contact us: its-contact@dway.eu